When to See a Periodontist

A periodontist is a dental specialist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that affect the gums, supporting structures of the teeth, and the jawbone. Periodontists are trained to provide a range of treatments to address various periodontal (gum) issues.

Here are some common treatments performed by a periodontist:

1. Scaling and Root Planing (Deep Cleaning):
This is a non-surgical procedure to treat gum disease by removing plaque and tartar buildup from above and below the gumline. The root surfaces are also smoothed to promote gum reattachment.

2. Periodontal Surgery:
Periodontists perform various surgical procedures to address advanced gum disease and other issues:

1). Pocket Reduction Surgery: Involves folding back the gum tissue, removing disease-causing bacteria, and then securing the tissue in place to reduce pocket depth.
2). Crown Lengthening: Adjusts the gum and bone levels to expose more of the tooth's surface for restorative procedures.
3). Soft Tissue and Bone Regeneration: Techniques to encourage the regeneration of lost gum tissue and bone.

4). Extractions and Socket preservation: Procedures are often performed in conjunction when a tooth needs to be removed. These procedures are aimed at maintaining the health of the jawbone and creating an optimal environment for future dental implant placement or other restorative treatments.

5). Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty: Gingivectomy involves removing excess gum tissue, while gingivoplasty involves reshaping the gum tissue for improved aesthetics and function.

3. Dental Implant Placement:
Periodontists are often skilled in placing dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots used to replace missing teeth. They assess whether there is enough bone to support an implant and perform the surgical procedure for implant placement.
4. Treatment of Oral Infections and Abscesses:
Periodontists diagnose and treat oral infections, including periodontal abscesses, to alleviate pain and prevent the spread of infection.
5. Management of Complex Cases:  Periodontists are trained to manage complex and challenging cases involving severe gum disease, advanced tooth loss, and compromised oral health.

It's important to note that the specific treatments offered by a periodontist may vary based on their expertise, training, and the needs of their patients. If you're experiencing gum issues, missing teeth, or other periodontal concerns, consulting with a periodontist can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan to address your specific needs and achieve optimal oral health.
